
A Long History of Excellence & Satisfied Customers

An Overview

Our best means of demonstrating the value we can bring to bear on your jobsite is to show you where and for whom we have worked in the past. We firmly believe that our best sales persons are satisfied customers. Here are just a few of our more recent project descriptions and clients.

Emden Transmission Main

This 2.7 mile project for the Anson-Madison Water District required fusing and installing over 8,300’ of 16” HDPE Transmission Main along with a new intake valve located over 300’ off shore in Hancock Pond.

F.W. Webb Cistern Project

This project consisted of installing a 90,000-gallon precast fire cistern composed of (45) 2,000-gallon tanks and a Storm-Tech filter basin system consisting of (560) Storm-Tech SC-130 units for F.W. Webb at their new facility on Industrial Drive in Oakland Maine.

Storage Facility

This $1.2 million project in Fairfield Maine consisted of importing and placing 28,000 cubic yards of common borrow and capping it with 4,000 cubic yards of processed gravel.

We were also contracted to create a large wet pond and (10) large haunched

slabs, each with a mass of over 700 cubic yards.

Vassalboro Sanitary District Reconstruction

This $6.0 million project was composed of installing over 30,000 LInear Feet of 4” & 8” HDPE force main and 29 precast Air release and maintenance manhole structures. It also required an additional 3,500 lf of 8” PVC gravity flow sewer mains.

Central Maine Power Sub-station

For this $7.0 million project, Ranger Construction Corp was contracted to provide all the earthwork and concrete piers & precast work in preparation for this power sub-station.

Ranger was asked to provide for new cable trenches, and install and finish all new topping stone for the facility.

National Guard Training Facility

This $4.0 million project, Ranger Construction Corp was contracted to build over 4 miles of gravel road and to construct a massive firing range.

This project is still under construction in Chester, Maine.